welcome to my website
Hello! Here you’ll be able to see recent work, buy prints or cards for yourself or as a gift, sign up to a workshop, read my latest news, or get in touch with me directly about anything else.

the artist
I am a printmaker working in linocut. I make layered reduction prints, mainly of landscapes but sometimes of botanical subjects or natural forms. My inspiration has always, and will always, come from being outside in the fresh air in my corner of the world – the northeast of England.
I work from a home studio in the city of Newcastle upon Tyne, where I am very close to beautiful countryside, long sandy beaches, rolling hills and historic castles, so there is no end of inspiration to hand.
Visit my shop for original prints, bundles of colourful cards and tickets to workshops.

Fancy getting creative and trying printmaking for yourself? I run small, informal workshops for up to 6 people in my studio in Newcastle upon Tyne. I also offer workshops for smaller groups or individuals, either as one-off classes or a series of lessons, which can be tailored to your needs. Recent workshops include: Make a framed torn paper beach collage, Introduction to lino printing, Print a seedhead using 3-layer reduction technique, Hand printed Christmas cards. Come along, have a cup of tea and a natter, and make something!